Friday, 1 September 2017

Use black cumin oil against pimples - effect and application


Many people shy away from looking in the mirror in the morning. Because then are often again which: Pickel! But do not worry, blackcorn oil will help.

For adolescents during puberty, it is normal for pimples to spread in the face. This time you just have to go through as good as it gets. It eventually ended. But there are also enough people who have to fight with pimples over this time. And getting this into the grip is sometimes not so easy. Because not every means from the drugstore helps with each affected person. According to some reports, however, Schwarzkümmelöl will help against many complaints (see, for example, the article at Among other things, it is also to help in the fight against pimples. But why? What is there to fight the pimples effectively? And why do pimples occur at all?

Triggers and causes of pimples

Contrary to many opinions, pimples are not caused by lack of hygiene. That's nonsense. It is much more the male hormones, which stimulate the sebum production and leave pimples. If the sebaceous glands still produce an excessively large amount of skin fat, it can usually not be completely discharged to the outside. As a result, the pores become clogged and pimples are formed.

Young men are more often affected than girls. Since these also have male hormones, they are not spared from pimples. But also stress, an unhealthy diet or lifestyle and also the hormones in general can make sure that again and again unloved pimples develop in the face. And here the list of triggers does not stop. Additives in food, medicine and allergens can also be the cause.

No matter what the triggers are with you: if you want to get rid of the pimples quickly, you have to do something about it. So it is a pity, but funds from the drugstore are often only a waste of money. On the other hand, household products are more effective. Among other things, Schwarzkümmelöl.

Why Does Black Cumin Help Against Pimples?

Blackcurrant oil comes originally from Egypt and is rich in saturated fatty acids and linoleic acid. It is considered as a cure-all and should help particularly well against nasty pimples. Why? Because it has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect and also regulates the sebum production of the skin. Thus, the skin becomes less greasy and therefore also less pickles arise. In addition, the oil smoothes the skin and optimally provides it with moisture. Skin deficiencies thus heal much faster and leave no acne scars. Here still other home remedies for acne scars.

If your dermatologist prescribes antibiotics against pimples, then you prefer to use blackcurrant oil. It is a natural product and has the same positive properties as antibiotics. In contrast, it is, of course, much healthier.

So you can use black cumin oil against pimples

Black cumin oil can be used against pimples both internally and externally.

❍ internal application:

If you want to take the blackcurrant oil, you can access capsules or the pure oil from the bottle. The capsules should always be taken according to the pack instructions. Otherwise it is advisable to take a tablespoon of blackcurrant oil in the day. You can take it either pure or diluted with water.

❍ external application:

Black cumin oil can be applied directly to the skin. Simply spread some oil in the hands and rub the face before sleeping. So the oil can work beautifully overnight. After only a few weeks, the results of the treatment will be clearly visible.

You can also make a face mask from blackcurrant oil and healer. Simply

1 tablespoon black curd oil
2 tablespoons healer
2 tablespoons of water
To a mash and apply to the face for about 20 minutes. Then rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water.


If you suffer from nasty pimples on your face, you do not have to accept it or even take medications. It also goes in the natural way. Black cumin oil, for example, can be bought almost everywhere. The application is also so simple. You can even grow blackcorn yourself in the garden (for instructions, see Just try it out and see for yourself the effect of the blackcurrant oil.
