Discipline and fighting spirit are not enough to build a lot of muscle mass over a short period of time. How you can speed up muscle growth naturally, read here.
Muscles like Arnold Schwarzenegger - this is probably a dream of many men. But the way to it is often long. Many men fight each other day by day in the gym and renounce social contacts from the environment, because they have only one thing in mind: build muscle in record time.
We humans are by nature very impatient. Successes must be visible quickly, otherwise the fighting spirit and the discipline will quickly disappear. This impatience is often reflected in the women in losing weight, and in men in the muscle building. But as the saying goes? Good thing wants to have time.
Various factors responsible for muscle building
The muscle build-up can be accelerated, but the daily course to the weight bench simply is not sufficient. This includes much more.
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Daily sweating and strains of weights will make you get up in the morning and feel as if you're feeling fine. So you know in the morning that you can not give 100 percent on today's training day. No wonder! The body needs sufficient rest between the training units. In this regeneration time it is enormously important to give the muscle time to grow.
As a rule, 48 hours are sufficient to give the body the necessary rest.
➤ Tip 2: Adjust the diet
Nutrition also plays a decisive role in muscle building. Without vitamins, carbohydrates & Co. you can not bring full performance. You can only expect the best performance from your body if you give it "best food". These include above all:
➩ Carbohydrates
Look for a balanced diet. This also includes carbohydrates. They give the body strength and the necessary power. Without the addition of carbohydrates, you lack the energy to get through the workout.
Even after the workout a portion of carbohydrates in the form of dextrose and fructose should be added to the body.
➩ Vitamins
If you want to gain muscle, you should eat vitaminically. Vitamin B6 is particularly important. The more protein is added to the body, the more vitamin B6 the body needs to transform the protein properly. (Here you will find foods with increased vitamin B6 content) Other vitamins from the B series are also important for athletes. Vitamin B12, for example, plays an important role in the conversion of body proteins. As a result, the muscle build-up is significantly boosted.
➤ Tip 3: Add protein
If you want to build muscle fast and fast, you should write down protein on your nutrition plan. Egg white is necessary, in order to be able to build muscles at all. About 1.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight the body needs in intense training to build muscle. This corresponds to a mass of about 20 to 30 eggs a day. But who wants to eat so many eggs a day? Certainly no one.
Alternatively, there are fortunately various protein shakes on the market. Since the selection seems almost infinite, you have to pay attention to quality when buying. High-quality products, such as the matching packages from egg.de or the Designer Whey from ESN, have a protein content of around 80 g per 100 g concentrate. An aspect that athletes attach great importance to in terms of taste and ease of solubility in water.
Such a protein shake or protein shake, should be drunk right after the workout. Thus the body can consume the protein directly for the muscle formation. Even during the resting phases, the increase in protein should be strictly observed. The muscles grow during the regeneration time and not during the training directly.
➤ Tip 4: Avoid stress
Impression, a stressful working day or anger with the partner can cause mental stress. Together with the physical stress that is triggered during training, muscle building is inhibited. Who wants it? So avoid the stress situations as much as possible. If everything is too much for you, just take a break. (Lesetipp: How you can reduce stress in everyday life)
➤ Tip 5: Sufficient sleep for body, mind and soul
If you train a lot, you need enough restful sleep. At least 8 hours a day are mandatory. Very important: Uniform. Do not go to bed at 9pm and the next day at 11pm. The body should find a firm sleep rhythm.
If you feel uncomfortable in the morning, try to have a nap in the afternoon. Already 15 minutes can produce miracles.
➤ Tip 6: Intensity of the training
A training session should take about 45 minutes. Each exercise, such as bench pressing or weight lifting, must last between 30 and 40 seconds, so that the muscles are sufficiently loaded.
Many men always think they need to lift a lot of weight to build muscle. That is not completly correct. It is much more important to keep the exercises clean during the whole time.
If you stick to these tips, there is nothing to stand in the way of faster muscle building. Sufficient sleep, healthy eating and the intake of protein are the key to success.
»Another tip at the end: Do not constantly compare your muscle build-up with others. Every body is differently predisposed. One builds up muscles fast, the other takes more time. In the end, only the total result counts.