There are countless diets, but not all bring the desired success. With a vegetarian diet, the kilos should be better than with conventional diets.
Low carb, metabolism cure, slimming in sleep, Brigitte diet & Co - the list of different diets could be quite long. But the desired success remains quite often. Either the kilos do not spin at all or you lose them very quickly and they are then again on it thanks to the JoJo effect. How else can you say the struggle to the annoying kilos and keep the lower weight above all permanently?
Studies show that the vegetarian diet is twice as effective to reduce its weight as traditional diets. This would at the same time have the advantage that the Germans' far too high meat consumption would be throttled. According to a study by the Max Rubner Institute, 74 per cent of men and 45 per cent of women eat almost twice as much meat as recommended by the German Society of Nutrition.
Be vegetarians and lose weight
Meat is for many the non-plus ultra at a dish. Especially elderly people know it only so: insert, vegetables, sauce and a juicy piece of meat - can one such habits turn off all of a sudden? After all, the Sunday roast without meat would no longer be Sunday. Even the beloved barbecue evening is suddenly no longer what he once was. Despite vegetarianism you do not have to do without the grilling. For vegetarians, there are many alternatives, e.g. Vegetable skewers, cheese taler and tofu. As you can see, losing weight through vegetarian cooking is not a problem.
Forms of vegetarianism
Vegetarian is not equal to vegetarian. As so often, there are several forms. Here is a brief overview:
Form waived:
Ovo-lacto-vegetarian meat and fish
Lacto-vegetarian meat, fish and eggs
Ovo-Vegetarian Meat, fish, milk and milk products
Vegan all food from the animal
Of these forms, lacto-vegetarians and Ovo-vegetarians appear only rarely.
A meat dish is not enough
As mentioned above, the Germans eat too much meat. This high consumption of animal fats ensures that the weight increases steadily. Now it is finally back down from the hips. But simply from now on the meat from the meal plan is not recommended. They have to think about the exact composition of the diet in order to counteract deficiencies. In the end, it does not help to dispense with the meat in an instant, but in the other, pasta poultry with fat cream sauce. A vegetarian diet does not automatically involve a decrease. Vegetarians can also grow. Therefore, it is just as important to deal extensively with the food.
Find the beginning
As meat o Holiker suddenly from today to morning completely to renounce is not advisable. In most cases, it is much harder to maintain. Many of them retreat and put their goal back on the ice very quickly. For that not to happen, you should increase from week to week. For example, start with a meatless meal a day. Relatively simple is the breakfast. Instead of sausage, you can use jam or vegetable spreads here. Also porridge, muesli & Co. are healthy alternatives.
At lunch and dinner you should fill more vegetables or salad on the plate and then gradually reduce the meat portion. If you are slowly getting used to the meatless meals, you risk fewer relapses.
Select food selectively
Recommended for a vegetarian diet is to prefer natural and mainly herbal foods that have a low fat content. A high grain content is also an advantage since these products contain many fibers. They swell up in the stomach, fill up long and thus protect against hot shower. Milk products (low-fat!) And eggs are allowed, depending on the type of vegetarian chosen, but only to a small extent.
By the way, sugar is a herbal product, but it does not provide for weight loss. On the contrary. It disturbs fat burning and provides more hip gold.
»Small tip: For the beginning, a special nutrition plan for weight loss for vegetarians can be helpful. So you do not have to start worrying about what you suddenly have to eat and eat.
Prevent iron deficiency
Meat contains a lot of iron and this is important for the vital oxygen transport in the body. Meat is considered to be the best protein supplier and it is therefore important that vegetarians specifically prevent iron deficiency with special foods. Valuable protein suppliers are, for example, amaranth, soya and some pod fruits.
Duration of the "diet"
It is up to you to decide how long you will last this form of diet change. If your weight is in the normal range, you could slowly begin eating the meat again. However, you should then prefer meager meats like chicken. For many, however, this form of diet is an entry into a new way of life, which is accompanied by a permanent renunciation of meat.
"By the way, if you are permanently vegetarian or vegan, the risk of myocardial infarction or diabetes mellitus.