Wednesday, 16 August 2017

Omega-3 fatty acids: What you should know about the good-mood fat


Fat is known to be unhealthy. However, not when there are healthy fatty acids, e.g. Omega-3. But why are exactly these fatty acids so healthy?

Omega-3 fatty acids are unsaturated compounds, which are essential for us humans, but can not be produced by the body itself. Before omega-3 fatty acids were given their name, they were called vitamin F. Some publications also mention n-3 fatty acids.

What are omega-3 fatty acids?

Fatty acids are components of fats. There are saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. Which fatty acids predominate can be determined by consistency. Fats of animal origin, such as butter or partially hardened vegetable fats, are solid. Fats, the main constituents of which are unsaturated fatty acids, for example rapeseed oil or olive oil, are liquid. There are, however, other differences which can not be recognized externally. There are monounsaturated fatty acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Omega-3 versus omega-6 fatty acids

The polyunsaturated fatty acids are to be distinguished from omega-3 fatty acids and omega-6 fatty acids.

Group Contained Acids Occurrence
Omega-3 fatty acids Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)
Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)
Linolenic acid (ALA) Herring, salmon, mackerel,
Tuna, linseed oil, rapeseed oil,
walnut oil
Omega-6 fatty acids linoleic acid
Arachidonic acid sunflower oil, thistle oil,
Meat, eggs, milk
Both fatty acids are needed by the body because they can not produce them themselves. However, this should be done in a corresponding relationship. The recommendations for this are widely divergent. Some recommendations are 1: 1. Omega-6 to Omega-3 ratio of 7: 1 is often also used. In the US, the ratio has shifted to 25: 1. Numbers in Omega-6 have also been reported in Japan, which is far higher than recommended. This can be linked to the onset of depression or the rise of heart disease.

What do omega-3 fatty acids have in the body?

As components of the cell membrane, EPA and DHA have an effect on cell function. This results in a broad complex of tasks, which relates to many areas of the organism. Omega-3 fatty acids are e.g. important for:

Cell metabolism
hormonal balance
Immune system and defense
Healthy hair and pure skin
protein synthesis
⇛ Omega-3 fatty acids for a healthy heart

A whole lot of studies has now proven that omega-3 fatty acids can support the cardiovascular function. Thus, the targeted intake of omega-3 fatty acids according to a Swedish studies:

Relieve inflammation
Lower blood pressure
Reduce the blood fat levels
Improve blood flow
All these features can minimize the risk of cardiovascular disease in their complexity. Those who regularly eat enough omega-3 fatty acids can minimize the risk of a heart attack. The above-mentioned study carried out at the University of Lund has confirmed that the adequate supply of the body with omega-3 fatty acids reduces the risk of a heart attack by half.

⇛ Omega-3 fatty acids for inflammation

Many diseases are caused by chronic inflammation. This is the case, for example, in diseases such as:

high blood pressure
Multiple Sclerosis
Not at first sight. Omega-3 fatty acids can act against inflammation by balancing on the immune system, the hormonal balance or the metabolism. The inflammatory values ​​in the blood can thereby be significantly reduced and thus also the risk of falling ill with one of the diseases mentioned, or an improvement occurs in already occurring diseases.

⇛ Omega-3 fatty acids in pregnancy

During pregnancy, an adequate supply of omega-3 fatty acids is particularly important, because the body has an increased demand for nutrients because the growing fetus must be supplied with. When premature omega-3 fatty acids are used, premature births can be reduced. Studies also suggest reduced weeks of bed depressions. Tests were also carried out on the brain development of the child. If the nut is adequately supplied with omega-3 fatty acids, it takes a positive course.

A sufficient supply of omega-3 fatty acids is also important during lactation. Studies have demonstrated that children who are fed with omega-3-rich mother's milk are more complex brain activities. Two portions of fish weekly are expected to provide pregnant women and breastfeeding with the necessary omega-3 fatty acids. Greasy fish such as mackerel or salmon are preferred. Whoever does not eat fish should resort to food supplements.

⇛ Omega-3 fatty acids for depression

The good-mood fat Omega-3 reaches the brain first. A sufficient omega-3 supply then leads to the formation of the natural antidepressant "dopamine" in the brain. The result is better concentration and physical and mental alertness. Studies have shown that omega-3 is able to slow down the MAO enzymes that can destroy dopamine. The research in this field has not yet been completed. The interest does not detract. There is hope that even severe depression can be treated with Omega-3.

How does a lack of omega-3 fatty acids manifest itself?

In our latitudes, a lack of omega-3 fatty acids is by no means rare. Many people take far less omega-3 to themselves than recommended. Instead, omega-6 fatty acids, which the body needs but also to a much lesser extent, dominate. A deficiency is caused, for example, by the frequent consumption of cereal products such as bread, pasta or pastries. A deficiency of omega-3 is then manifested by the following symptoms:

muscle weakness
blurred vision
Scaly skin
sleep disorders
It is often difficult to make a clear diagnosis, because the symptoms of deficiency can appear particularly manifold and can be expressed in other complaints.

How can a deficiency of omega-3 fatty acids be detected?

A blood sampling is necessary for the diagnosis. The relationship between omega-3 and omega-6 is investigated. This value should not move higher than 1: 4. If omega-3 dietary supplements are used for treatment, the symptoms should subside after a few weeks if a deficiency of omega-3 is the cause.

Too much of the good - what to do with over-supply?

As with almost all nutrients, omega-3 fatty acids can lead to an over-supply. It is recommended not to take more than three grams of omega-3 per day. Overdosing may cause side effects. First, a fishy taste will probably spread in the mouth. The complaints by means of an over-supply primarily concern the digestive system. There may be nausea and diarrhea.

Studies have shown that with an excess of omega-3 the LDL-cholesterol value also increases at short notice. Anyone who has a strong tendency to bleeding can often get nasal bleeding during an overuse. The aggravations of manic-depressive moods or glaucoma formation have also been observed as side effects.

Omega-3 fatty acids in foods

If we are talking about omega-3 fatty acids, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosaherxenoic acid (DHA) are of particular interest. The acids are often found in micro-algae and are therefore often found in herring, tuna, salmon and other cold-water fish. Because these fish use these special microalgae as a food source. Rich in omega-3 are also some vegetable oil, such as linseed oil, rapeseed oil or walnut oil (Lesetipp: exclusive fat comparison: Which cooking oil is really healthy?).

Here the top 10 of the Omega 3-rich foods:

Chia seeds
linseed oil
rapeseed oil
The following are some specific information on the omega-3 fatty acid content of various vegetable oils and fish.

Vegetable oil Omega-3 content in% Fish species Omega-3 content in%
Chia 64 Salmon 1.8
Linseed oil 55-70 anchovies 1.7
Walnut oil 12 1.2 herring
Rapeseed oil 9 mackerel 1
Soybean oil 8 White tuna 0.7
What is the daily requirement for omega-3 fatty acids?

In the daily requirement of omega-3 are no differences between age and gender. According to the German Society of Nutrition (DGE) the demand is 0.5% of the daily total energy requirement. In simple terms, 0.5% of omega-3 fatty acids should be taken from daily intake of calories. Also important is the ratio of the individual fatty acids to each other. The proportion of omega-6 fatty acids should not be more than three to five times higher than the amount of omega-3.

Omega-3 fatty acids as a dietary supplement

There are a number of dietary supplements that provide valuable omega-3s. A good example are fish oil capsules. Here, up to 45% of valuable EPA and DHA acids are contained. Since the fish oil would otherwise rapidly become rancid, the dosage form of the capsule is widely used. Some dietary supplements also have vitamin supplements. Fish oil capsules are also beneficial in combination with vitamin E, because when more omega-3 is taken, the body also reports an increased demand for vitamin E.

Food supplements made from long-chain omega-3 fatty acids are very suitable for prevention. These have a constant share of omega-3. In addition to food supplements in capsule form are also products in the trade enriched with Omega-3. It can be bread, margarine or oils. For example, people who find it difficult to take capsules can ensure adequate intake of omega-3 fatty acids. Naturally, you can keep the need for Omega-3 constant by putting fish on the table several times a week.

Vegetarian slimming - without meat to the desired weight


There are countless diets, but not all bring the desired success. With a vegetarian diet, the kilos should be better than with conventional diets.

Low carb, metabolism cure, slimming in sleep, Brigitte diet & Co - the list of different diets could be quite long. But the desired success remains quite often. Either the kilos do not spin at all or you lose them very quickly and they are then again on it thanks to the JoJo effect. How else can you say the struggle to the annoying kilos and keep the lower weight above all permanently?

Studies show that the vegetarian diet is twice as effective to reduce its weight as traditional diets. This would at the same time have the advantage that the Germans' far too high meat consumption would be throttled. According to a study by the Max Rubner Institute, 74 per cent of men and 45 per cent of women eat almost twice as much meat as recommended by the German Society of Nutrition.

Be vegetarians and lose weight

Meat is for many the non-plus ultra at a dish. Especially elderly people know it only so: insert, vegetables, sauce and a juicy piece of meat - can one such habits turn off all of a sudden? After all, the Sunday roast without meat would no longer be Sunday. Even the beloved barbecue evening is suddenly no longer what he once was. Despite vegetarianism you do not have to do without the grilling. For vegetarians, there are many alternatives, e.g. Vegetable skewers, cheese taler and tofu. As you can see, losing weight through vegetarian cooking is not a problem.

Forms of vegetarianism

Vegetarian is not equal to vegetarian. As so often, there are several forms. Here is a brief overview:

Form waived:
Ovo-lacto-vegetarian meat and fish
Lacto-vegetarian meat, fish and eggs
Ovo-Vegetarian Meat, fish, milk and milk products
Vegan all food from the animal
Of these forms, lacto-vegetarians and Ovo-vegetarians appear only rarely.

A meat dish is not enough

As mentioned above, the Germans eat too much meat. This high consumption of animal fats ensures that the weight increases steadily. Now it is finally back down from the hips. But simply from now on the meat from the meal plan is not recommended. They have to think about the exact composition of the diet in order to counteract deficiencies. In the end, it does not help to dispense with the meat in an instant, but in the other, pasta poultry with fat cream sauce. A vegetarian diet does not automatically involve a decrease. Vegetarians can also grow. Therefore, it is just as important to deal extensively with the food.

Find the beginning

As meat o Holiker suddenly from today to morning completely to renounce is not advisable. In most cases, it is much harder to maintain. Many of them retreat and put their goal back on the ice very quickly. For that not to happen, you should increase from week to week. For example, start with a meatless meal a day. Relatively simple is the breakfast. Instead of sausage, you can use jam or vegetable spreads here. Also porridge, muesli & Co. are healthy alternatives.

At lunch and dinner you should fill more vegetables or salad on the plate and then gradually reduce the meat portion. If you are slowly getting used to the meatless meals, you risk fewer relapses.

Select food selectively

Recommended for a vegetarian diet is to prefer natural and mainly herbal foods that have a low fat content. A high grain content is also an advantage since these products contain many fibers. They swell up in the stomach, fill up long and thus protect against hot shower. Milk products (low-fat!) And eggs are allowed, depending on the type of vegetarian chosen, but only to a small extent.

By the way, sugar is a herbal product, but it does not provide for weight loss. On the contrary. It disturbs fat burning and provides more hip gold.

»Small tip: For the beginning, a special nutrition plan for weight loss for vegetarians can be helpful. So you do not have to start worrying about what you suddenly have to eat and eat.

Prevent iron deficiency

Meat contains a lot of iron and this is important for the vital oxygen transport in the body. Meat is considered to be the best protein supplier and it is therefore important that vegetarians specifically prevent iron deficiency with special foods. Valuable protein suppliers are, for example, amaranth, soya and some pod fruits.

Duration of the "diet"

It is up to you to decide how long you will last this form of diet change. If your weight is in the normal range, you could slowly begin eating the meat again. However, you should then prefer meager meats like chicken. For many, however, this form of diet is an entry into a new way of life, which is accompanied by a permanent renunciation of meat.

"By the way, if you are permanently vegetarian or vegan, the risk of myocardial infarction or diabetes mellitus.

Friday, 4 August 2017

How to alleviate movement problems


Living in a prosperity company offers very many amenities. The measure of this is unfortunately greater than our health does well. The man of our time must no longer be exposed to physical exertion. An environment full of modern technology and a large market for services spoils us in this context. The consequence of this are physical problems, which are due to movement deficits, but also to wrong nutrition. Typical symptoms are back pain and joint pain.

Why you harm her body

Our lack of exercise leads in many cases to an unhealthy weight gain and in addition to the recovery of the muscles. However, this should actually provide a relieving function for our skeleton. The fewer muscles and the more body fat, the more ballast our joints and vertebra have to wear. Especially the back is a wide attack area for complaints, which is due to a muscle deficit. Of course, the medicine offers plenty of medications, which are able to fight the pain in the short term. The real cause, however, must be tackled by everyone. A surely promising approach is the targeted muscle building through exercise and sports. Whoever succeeds in this has good prospects for quick complaints and even a perfect freedom of complaint.

Sport: The right therapy against agonizing civilization problems

In addition to the lack of exercise, a poor physical condition is often added, which is still promoted by sedentary occupational activity. In addition to these complaints, other disorders are due to lack of exercise and unhealthy diet. This also affects cardiovascular and diabetes. Often one comes into a situation, which can reduce the quality of life enormously, since this is braked by illness symptoms. At the latest, it is high time for fundamental changes. The key is reactivation of your physical condition and performance.

Once the initial inner pig dog is overcome, the sporting activity not infrequently gains an undreamed-of dynamism, which results in positive ambition and thus drives you forward. Quickly you will experience positive changes. If you are suffering from a severe condition, you should consult with your doctor in this context. This can give you some tips on how to achieve your goal of better body sensitivity and, above all, the freedom of complaint in a timely and health-conscious manner.

Physical stress in healthy measure

But beware: many newcomers exaggerate it with your suddenly discovered vigor and at the beginning have a too high load. This can be very counterproductive and cause more damage than you suspect. In order to avoid such a course, it is advisable to have the training voyage trained by trained training staff in the right direction. For this reason, the training in a gym, especially for a fitness enthusiast, has many advantages and maintains through regular training fit into old age. For a noticeable training success, however, you should schedule two to three training sessions per week, which should last between sixty and ninety minutes. Your training plan is thus adapted to your constantly growing stress limit and fitness.

Achilles tendon stimulation: When it comes to inflammation and what you can do


Irritation or even inflammation of the Achilles tendon is often very painful. With a lot of patience and medical measures but healable.

Our body, or the joints, are exposed to high stress every day. Whether walking, walking or long standing, the complete weight must be worn by the ankles. A major task is the Achilles tendon, which is the strongest tendon of the body.

The Achilles tendon is the connection between the calf and the heel, for example, it can be used to jog off or to stand on tip-toes. The "more stable" the Achilles tendon, the more load it tolerates. If the stability of the Achilles tendon is disturbed, usually due to overload, the Achilles tendon irritation, inflammation or, in the worst case, the Achilles tendon rupture.

Causes of Achilles tendon stimulation

Regular exercise and exercise keep the body fit, which is a fact. Now comes the big BUT, because who exaggerates it with the sporting activities, risks an Achilles tendon excitement. If the ankle is abruptly and excessively stressed, usually during jogging, it loads the Achilles tendon. Reasons for this are:

Poor training condition
Inferior running shoes
Uneven terrain in the terrain
Too fast running
Unilateral load
Too short regeneration phases
Overloading and overloading will almost always lead to an Achilles tendon stimulation and an inflammation will occur.

Symptoms and consequences

Visually, an irritated Achilles tendon can be seen well, because the affected area between calf and heel swells. In addition, pungent, undefined pain occurs. Especially in the morning, immediately after getting up, these dull pain are acute. This is due to fluid deposits accumulating in the Achilles tendon.

What to do with an Achilles tendonitis?

If an Achilles tendon is ignored, which is usually not possible due to the pain, an Achilles tendon rupture may occur. That is why it is important to imagine a doctor. Apart from the patient's history, the physician will also investigate whether physical defects are present. In retrospect, the following treatments and therapies can help:

❏ Increased footwear

Shoes with an elevated heel can make sure the heel is relaxed. This in turn puts pressure on the Achilless tendon. In order to achieve this increase, corresponding deposits are prescribed.

❏ Bandages

In order to relieve the heel, the fitting of a suitable foot bandage is also ideally suited. A good fit of the bandage is therefore important, so that the Achilles tendon is not additionally loaded, but supported.

❏ eccentric exercises

Doctors are now in agreement that not rest, but further easy movement is curative for an Achilles tendon stimulation. Swimming, cycling and special foot exercises therefore belong to the therapy program.

❏ Cold Therapy

With refrigerated packs, not only the inflammation is inhibited, but also a possible swelling is alleviated. In addition, it reduces pain in many patients. Do not put the ice bag on the naked skin, however, for more than ten minutes.

❏ Painkillers

In severe pain, the doctor prescribes anti-inflammatory drugs. In the meantime, however, many physicians are without cortisone, which was years ago still gait and gift.

❏ shockwave therapy

Relatively new is the treatment with shock waves. These are high-energy pressure waves, which are supposed to stimulate the new formation of blood vessels. In addition, damaged tendon tissue can be repaired and the inflammation can be cured.

Prevent Achilles tendon stimulation

The Achilles tendon is indeed our strongest tendon, but not for permanent loads. Every athlete should take this to heart in his activities. Follow some advice to avoid overloading:

Start each running training slowly (warm-up)
Place a leg on a bench or similar, press knee down and push upper body forward (stretch)
In standing position on the toes and so stretch the calves and heels
High-quality and suitable running shoes (make before the purchase Tragetest)
First signs of pain do not ignore, but a recovery pause

Treat travel sickness


Many people are affected by so-called travel sickness and develop various unpleasant symptoms such as nausea, dizziness, sweating, blood pressure fluctuations, and vomiting when traveling by train, ship or car. The travel sickness is actually not a proper illness, but has its name only in the mouth of the people, as the affected person often feel very miserable and sick because of the intensity of the symptoms.

Travel medicine is also referred to as kinetosis in technical terms and describes the phenomenon of a brain disorder that triggers the described symptoms. The movements in the train, on the ship or even in the car stimulate the equilibrium organ in the inner ear, while at the same time the eyes take on additional impressions with regard to the movements of the respective means of movement. If there are differences in perception in the inner ear and the images taken by the eye, the brain has problems with the affected persons to harmonize the different impressions. These clearing problems ultimately provide for the known symptoms, which are usually very unpleasant and stressful, but nevertheless harmless.

How is travel sick?

In general, travel sickness is a phenomenon that almost always solves itself by habituation to the movement situation in the respective means of transport. Due to its great adaptability, the brain is generally able to compensate for the different impressions of the eye and inner ear in a relatively short time, and the symptoms are accordingly reduced. This is the case, for example, in the generally known sea disease, which is also counted as a kinetosis. As a rule, the symptoms disappear after a long time on the moving ship, when the brain has got used to the contradictory impressions of the eye and perception of movement through the inner ear.

What can you do against travel sickness?

In general, the symptoms of travel sickness can be alleviated by fixing objects or general impressions which are immobile with the eyes. In most cases, sea-sickness helps to fix the unmoved horizon. It is also advisable to go to the fresh air when possible when traveling. Against the various forms of travel sickness drugs are offered, which are to alleviate the acute symptoms. These must be taken before the first signs occur. A tried and tested home remedy, which is to help against travel sickness, is the consumption of ginger. However, it is not known how this alleviates the symptoms.

In general, the psychological component can not be underestimated when all kinetics occur. If, due to the pre-existing seizures of travel sickness, a negative expectation regarding the particular travel situation develops, the reoccurrence of the symptoms is much more probable than in persons who are relaxed and calm in the movement situation, for example in the car or on a ship. For example, it is important for people who are acutely affected to be soothed by accompanying persons, to get fresh air and to drink enough liquid. Above all, the loss of fluid, which occurs after a prolonged period of vomiting due to travel sickness, can become dangerous and lead to a life-threatening circulation breakdown.

Make arrangements!

People who are already aware of the fact that they are sensitive to the occurrence of travel sickness before taking a trip should take appropriate precautions. Thus the precautionary intake of rice medication can be just as helpful as the sufficient carrying of liquid. It is best to use water, in no case should alcohol be taken, as this can intensify the symptoms. In addition, it can be useful to carry relaxing music, since this can help to reduce the negative expectation of the occurrence of travel sickness. Reading a book or a magazine, on the other hand, is not advisable in most cases because the concentration of the eyes on the letters in front of the moving background outside the book pages can also intensify the symptoms.

Power yoga & dynamic workout plus relaxation for body and mind


Power Yoga is a modern variation of Hatha Yoga. If you have already gained experience with Hatha Yoga, some exercises or asanas will be known. For example, a variant of the "salute to the sun" serves as a dynamic warm-up exercise. The "tree" is not only used to improve the balance, but also serves as a training for the basin floor.

What makes power yoga interesting is the combination of exercises that stretch and strengthen the body, with targeted breathing and relaxation pauses, in which the practitioners enter into their bodies and consciously perceive them. The aim is to bring the movements and the breathing into harmony, so that a flowing movement process results. The exercises begin slowly, the tempo is then increased with each pass, so that you get a good sweat.

The effort ensures that you can not think of anything other than the exercise you are doing - a holiday for the overloaded mind. Plenty of oxygen refills all the cells, and the sweat rinses slag from all pores - sauna effect from within, so to speak.

Since power yoga is a quite exhausting whole body training, some people should consult their doctor or alternative practitioner:

If you should be careful with power yoga:

If you have problems with your back (eg gum disease), you should start with gentle exercises, which take care of your own physical weaknesses and slow down the body slowly, until you can step by step to the dynamic exercises.
Pregnant women should exercise patience - exercises that bend over are something for the time after pregnancy.
Anyone who suffers from high blood pressure and is at risk from infarction should discuss with the doctor who is doing what is appropriate.
Tips for Effective Training:

Only with empty stomach power yoga, so about 2 hours after the last meal.
The breath should flow and the movements with it.
Before the exercises you should take two or three minutes to collect and prepare for the training.
Duration: approx. 30 minutes.
After the workout, you can feel the whole body for a few minutes before turning back to everyday life.
Work two to four times a week.
Positive effects:

Better blood circulation and oxygen supply
Increased endurance
Increased power and vitality ('power')
The body becomes more supple and elastic
Regular exercise is rewarded with better memory and positive mood

What causes yoga?


The effects of asanas

The asanas of Hatha Yoga hold above all physically fit. Stretching and stretching exercises stimulate the circulation, strengthen the muscles and make the body flexible. But not only that.

Different exercises intensify the blood circulation of the brain and the organs. Others improve the balance of the balance and stimulate the work of the endocrine glands, the hormonal glands.

Many exercises also serve to optimize the body's cleansing by either positively affecting the digestion or by stimulating the detoxification of the body via the lungs via deep breathing.

Since many asanas are very controlled movements, they promote the ability to concentrate and switch off everyday life. Through this and by detoxification and the improved supply of all body regions with blood and oxygen they also strengthen the nervous system. Asanas have a positive effect on all body systems.

The effects of Pranayama

The breathing exercises of the pranayama supply the body and the brain with oxygen. The lungs are vented right down to the last larynx, which prevents diseases of the respiratory tract.

The effects of Pratyahara, Dharana and Dhyana

These meditation and concentration exercises soothe the mind. They help to reduce stress and develop a deep inner balance and balance.

How to learn yoga?


If you are interested in yoga, you will find a wide range of yoga workshops at the weekend, several days intensive yoga classes and yoga courses that last a few weeks.

Yoga with teacher or teacher

In order to get a first impression of whether yoga is a suitable way for you, you can, for example, make a trial workshop at the Volkshochschule or at other institutions offering adult education courses. Yoga centers and yoga seminar houses are now represented in many cities. There are also many schools offering Vidya or Ashtanga yoga.
A look at the course directory of the local Volkshochschule and the yellow pages helps already. There are also yoga classes at sports clubs. The professional association of the Yogalehrenden in Germany (BDY) also arranges addresses of trained yogalehrerinnen-teachers.

The European Yoga Union (EYU) and the BDY have also developed a criteria catalog and a training program for well-founded yoga classes, so you can expect to find qualified teachers in their ranks. The magazine "Yoga aktuell" contains many offers for workshops and yoga weeks in the classifieds section.

Learn yoga from books

Those who prefer to learn from books can find a wide range of literature: from classics such as Kareen Zebroff's easy-to-understand yoga books (she made Hatha yoga popular in the West), Kim da Silva's books on finger yoga (mudras) Practice cards from Anna Trökes to BKS Iyengars, TKV Desikachars and Andre van Lysebeth's standard works.

Whether yoga for problem areas such as hip, abdomen and legs, for the tense neck-shoulder area of ​​descriptors, whether yoga for the whole family, for pregnant women or for certain age groups, yoga for relaxing in the frantic office day or for meditation: now there is To almost every wellness trend the appropriate yoga book.

It is important to read and follow the instructions carefully - for those who learn from books do not have an experienced teacher and a trained teacher who can correct their deficiencies. Gentleness and slowness are especially important when learning yoga from literature alone.
If you do the complex yoga exercises wrong, they strain tendons, muscles and joints. For Westerners with a competitive mentality ("just what hurts, keeps fit"), it is therefore particularly important to admit the gentle, small, slow and gentle movements of the yoga asanas and to put aside all over-zealous sports spirit. This is the only way to perceive your body exactly and to take note of the warning signals which can protect you against permanent damage.

Training as a yoga teacher

An education as a yoga instructor or a yoga teacher extends over four years with at least 720 lessons of 45 minutes each according to the guidelines of the European Yoga Union (EYU) and the Berufsverband der Yogalehrenden in Germany (BDY).

The yoga training is not limited to learning the Hatha yoga asanas. Information about the medical fundamentals of yoga is just as much a part of it as a study of the literary sources as well as ethics and philosophy. Teaching units for meditation supplement the teaching-practical part, in which the yoga teachers who are approaching learn how to organize the seminars or build the lessons. Vocationally oriented information on the business start-up round off the training program.

The Berlin Institute for Viniyoga and the Berlin Yoga Center founded by them ( also teaches yoga, in the tradition of T.K.V. Desikachar. The institute is also dedicated to the scientific exploration of yoga and its effects. Research results can be found in the journal Viveka - Notebooks for Yoga ', edited by the institute founders Imogen Dalmann and Martin Soder.

The Importance of Hatha Yoga


Hatha Yoga is the most popular variation of yoga in the West. Created in the 6th century AD, it is a system of physical exercises with dynamic and static phases. Stretches, stretching and rotation exercises are typical of Hatha yoga.

Another characteristic feature is the principle of achieving balance in the body: every exercise that bends the body backwards is followed by one bending it forward. Each exercise, in which one turns to a side, follows an exercise in which one turns to the other side.

At the spiritual level, this means that one compensates for the polar energies, which today are usually referred to as the Chinese terms yin and yang. The dualism is already apparent in the roots of Hatha yoga: ha means sun, tha means moon.

The Importance of Raja Yoga


The Raja Yoga, also called the royal path of yoga, is one of the four classical yoga paths (the other paths are karma, jnana and bhakti yoga). Compared to Hatha Yoga, the more physically oriented variant, Raja Yoga is more intellectually oriented: over eight levels, Raja-Yoga is supposed to give people a higher level of perception of inner (mental-spiritual) processes in higher spiritual and spiritual dimensions to lead.

The term 'Raja-Yoga' is first documented in a 15th century source, in the 'Hatha Yoga Pradipika'. Swami Vivekananda (1863 - 1902), disciple of the Hindu mystic Ramakrishna Paramahansa (1836 - 1886), made Raja yoga known in the West. His lecture as a representative of Hinduism at the World Congress of Religions in Chicago from 11 to 27 September 1893 attracted great attention.

In the Kurma-Purana, one of the 18 most important Vedic scriptures, Raja yoga is described. Swami Vivekananda translated the eight developmental stages of Raja Yoga contained in Kurma Purana and summarized them:

The eight stages of Raja Yoga

1) Yama - five things to be contained: do not kill, do not lie, do not steal, do not accept gifts, do not aspire to loss of meaning.

2) Niyama - five habits to be assumed: purity, contentment, discipline, study of the Vedas and Mantras, devotion to the Divine.

3) Asana - the right body for meditation, an upright posture where you can sit comfortably for a long time.

4) Pranayama - Yoga exercises, with which one can control and control the life energy in the body through various breathing techniques.

5) Pratyahara - internalization or withdrawal of sensory perception.

6) Chakra - continuous concentration on the heart or on the crown chakra.

7) Dhyana - meditation, which here means concentration in itself, without an object to which concentration concentrates.

8) Samadhi - the highest level of Raja yoga, the complete knowledge of one's own self, of unity (Advaita), with all that is. This stage, often called 'enlightenment' in the West, entails freedom from fear and unspeakable bliss and inner peace.

What is yoga and where does it come from?


In Hinduism, yoga is a collective term for various philosophical and practical disciplines, with the help of which man strives for spiritual consciousness.

The Sanskrit word yoga is related to the German word 'yoke' and means 'union' or 'unity'. What is meant is the union of body, mind and soul with the divine principle, the creative power, into a unity. Yoga was developed in India, probably in the 3rd millennium BC, Chr.

Among the earliest written sources of yoga are the yoga sutras of Patanjali. There are 195 verses, in which the author summarizes the yoga knowledge of his time as a learning aid. Patanjali describes how to lead a good life and develop his personality in his "Eightfold Path of Yoga".

The eight paths are: Yama (which one should not do), Niyama (what to do), Asana (exercises for the body), Pranayama (breathing exercises for the control of Prana, life energy), Pratyahara (control of the senses), Dharana (Concentration), dhhyana (meditation), and samadhi (enlightenment).

When meditating, a yogi usually sits in the Lotus seat. And that for a longer period of time. So that the body does not suffer from long stools, there are different gymnastics-like exercises, the so-called asanas. They ensure that the body remains supple and hinged and improve its functions.

Improving body functions makes yoga a natural fountain. An important reason why it is so popular in the West.

However, staying healthy and being fit is not the ultimate goal of yoga. A healthy body, however, is better able to withstand long hours of meditation. And anyone who has learned to master his body can not be put off by an itching or pulling muscle.

In the West, the first contact with yoga is mostly through Hatha Yoga.


Holidays from hay fever: Here, pollen allergists can go on holiday without complaint


When the hay fever season starts, you really do not want to leave the house anymore. Therefore at least the holiday should be free of complaints and recreation.

If the eyes burn constantly and it just tingles in the nose, then for many the worst time of the year begins. Because then she goes again: the hay fever season. According to the German Allergy and Asthmabund, about 16 percent of the population often do not want to leave the house if they do not necessarily have to. For what is more unpleasant than walking around with coryza-like symptoms? The affected persons are really not to be envied, even if it already takes many effective means against the symptoms. But who likes to take medication?

Therefore at least the holiday should be free of complaints. But this is easier said than done. For pollen allergists can not go anywhere in the belief that the allergy on vacation breaks. For this reason, affected persons have to look very carefully to the fact that they are driving on a holiday that is as pollutant-free as possible. For this, you only need to know by which pollen your allergy is triggered. Then you can quickly find out whether the relevant pollen is not flying or no longer flying, taking into consideration the flowering season at your desired holiday destination. Otherwise you will always be fairly safe when you have a break at one of the following resorts.

Here, pollen allergists can relax

❖ Holidays in the Hochgebirge:

Mountainous regions like the Alps have not only an impressive nature to offer. They are also very good destinations for pollen allergists. Because the pollen load is generally much lower and above all shorter. From the end of June, you can even go on holiday in the Alps without any problems.

Why not even make a hiking holiday and enjoy the fresh air amidst a fascinating nature? On the website of you can find offers for a hiking holiday in Germany, Italy, Austria, Croatia and Switzerland. You can also search for hotels by theme (lake hotel, mountain hotel, wellness hotel, etc.) and brand hotels.

❖ Holidays on the high seas:

Where are there no plants and therefore no pollen? Right, on the high seas! On a cruise, you can relax and unwind the sea. But it does not always have to be the cruise ship. How about e.g. Times with a holiday on a sailing ship? This makes the whole thing even more varied.

❖ Holidays on an island:

A holiday on an island is also a perfect way for allergy sufferers to give the body some rest from hay fever. Above all, islands that are far from the mainland are ideal resorts, because the pollen can usually not cope with the long way from the mainland to the island. Accordingly, many islands are hay-proof.

If you do not want to travel too far, then the German North and East Seychelles (especially Helgoland) are very recommendable destinations. For example, Helgoland is the only high-altitude island in Germany to be located over 70 kilometers from the mainland. Up to this point, there are no pollen from the mainland. This island is really worth a visit.

❖ Holidays Abroad:

Who suffers from hay fever does not have to forgo traveling to distant countries. The advantages of such journeys are obvious, for there is a different botany in distant lands than in Germany. For example, if you are suffering from allergy to birch pollen, there will be no problems in the USA, Italy and many other countries, because birches are rare.

If you like it warm, in Italy and Spain with its Pollenallergie is generally in good hands, because there from June usually no grass pollen more around. It is best to take a look at the amount of pollen at the holiday destination in the desired time of the trip. Here, for example, the stress card which I found on the website will help you.