The effects of asanas
The asanas of Hatha Yoga hold above all physically fit. Stretching and stretching exercises stimulate the circulation, strengthen the muscles and make the body flexible. But not only that.
Different exercises intensify the blood circulation of the brain and the organs. Others improve the balance of the balance and stimulate the work of the endocrine glands, the hormonal glands.
Many exercises also serve to optimize the body's cleansing by either positively affecting the digestion or by stimulating the detoxification of the body via the lungs via deep breathing.
Since many asanas are very controlled movements, they promote the ability to concentrate and switch off everyday life. Through this and by detoxification and the improved supply of all body regions with blood and oxygen they also strengthen the nervous system. Asanas have a positive effect on all body systems.
The effects of Pranayama
The breathing exercises of the pranayama supply the body and the brain with oxygen. The lungs are vented right down to the last larynx, which prevents diseases of the respiratory tract.
The effects of Pratyahara, Dharana and Dhyana
These meditation and concentration exercises soothe the mind. They help to reduce stress and develop a deep inner balance and balance.