Friday, 4 August 2017

Holidays from hay fever: Here, pollen allergists can go on holiday without complaint


When the hay fever season starts, you really do not want to leave the house anymore. Therefore at least the holiday should be free of complaints and recreation.

If the eyes burn constantly and it just tingles in the nose, then for many the worst time of the year begins. Because then she goes again: the hay fever season. According to the German Allergy and Asthmabund, about 16 percent of the population often do not want to leave the house if they do not necessarily have to. For what is more unpleasant than walking around with coryza-like symptoms? The affected persons are really not to be envied, even if it already takes many effective means against the symptoms. But who likes to take medication?

Therefore at least the holiday should be free of complaints. But this is easier said than done. For pollen allergists can not go anywhere in the belief that the allergy on vacation breaks. For this reason, affected persons have to look very carefully to the fact that they are driving on a holiday that is as pollutant-free as possible. For this, you only need to know by which pollen your allergy is triggered. Then you can quickly find out whether the relevant pollen is not flying or no longer flying, taking into consideration the flowering season at your desired holiday destination. Otherwise you will always be fairly safe when you have a break at one of the following resorts.

Here, pollen allergists can relax

❖ Holidays in the Hochgebirge:

Mountainous regions like the Alps have not only an impressive nature to offer. They are also very good destinations for pollen allergists. Because the pollen load is generally much lower and above all shorter. From the end of June, you can even go on holiday in the Alps without any problems.

Why not even make a hiking holiday and enjoy the fresh air amidst a fascinating nature? On the website of you can find offers for a hiking holiday in Germany, Italy, Austria, Croatia and Switzerland. You can also search for hotels by theme (lake hotel, mountain hotel, wellness hotel, etc.) and brand hotels.

❖ Holidays on the high seas:

Where are there no plants and therefore no pollen? Right, on the high seas! On a cruise, you can relax and unwind the sea. But it does not always have to be the cruise ship. How about e.g. Times with a holiday on a sailing ship? This makes the whole thing even more varied.

❖ Holidays on an island:

A holiday on an island is also a perfect way for allergy sufferers to give the body some rest from hay fever. Above all, islands that are far from the mainland are ideal resorts, because the pollen can usually not cope with the long way from the mainland to the island. Accordingly, many islands are hay-proof.

If you do not want to travel too far, then the German North and East Seychelles (especially Helgoland) are very recommendable destinations. For example, Helgoland is the only high-altitude island in Germany to be located over 70 kilometers from the mainland. Up to this point, there are no pollen from the mainland. This island is really worth a visit.

❖ Holidays Abroad:

Who suffers from hay fever does not have to forgo traveling to distant countries. The advantages of such journeys are obvious, for there is a different botany in distant lands than in Germany. For example, if you are suffering from allergy to birch pollen, there will be no problems in the USA, Italy and many other countries, because birches are rare.

If you like it warm, in Italy and Spain with its Pollenallergie is generally in good hands, because there from June usually no grass pollen more around. It is best to take a look at the amount of pollen at the holiday destination in the desired time of the trip. Here, for example, the stress card which I found on the website will help you.

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