If you are interested in yoga, you will find a wide range of yoga workshops at the weekend, several days intensive yoga classes and yoga courses that last a few weeks.
Yoga with teacher or teacher
In order to get a first impression of whether yoga is a suitable way for you, you can, for example, make a trial workshop at the Volkshochschule or at other institutions offering adult education courses. Yoga centers and yoga seminar houses are now represented in many cities. There are also many schools offering Vidya or Ashtanga yoga.
A look at the course directory of the local Volkshochschule and the yellow pages helps already. There are also yoga classes at sports clubs. The professional association of the Yogalehrenden in Germany (BDY) also arranges addresses of trained yogalehrerinnen-teachers.
The European Yoga Union (EYU) and the BDY have also developed a criteria catalog and a training program for well-founded yoga classes, so you can expect to find qualified teachers in their ranks. The magazine "Yoga aktuell" contains many offers for workshops and yoga weeks in the classifieds section.
Learn yoga from books
Those who prefer to learn from books can find a wide range of literature: from classics such as Kareen Zebroff's easy-to-understand yoga books (she made Hatha yoga popular in the West), Kim da Silva's books on finger yoga (mudras) Practice cards from Anna Trökes to BKS Iyengars, TKV Desikachars and Andre van Lysebeth's standard works.
Whether yoga for problem areas such as hip, abdomen and legs, for the tense neck-shoulder area of descriptors, whether yoga for the whole family, for pregnant women or for certain age groups, yoga for relaxing in the frantic office day or for meditation: now there is To almost every wellness trend the appropriate yoga book.
It is important to read and follow the instructions carefully - for those who learn from books do not have an experienced teacher and a trained teacher who can correct their deficiencies. Gentleness and slowness are especially important when learning yoga from literature alone.
If you do the complex yoga exercises wrong, they strain tendons, muscles and joints. For Westerners with a competitive mentality ("just what hurts, keeps fit"), it is therefore particularly important to admit the gentle, small, slow and gentle movements of the yoga asanas and to put aside all over-zealous sports spirit. This is the only way to perceive your body exactly and to take note of the warning signals which can protect you against permanent damage.
Training as a yoga teacher
An education as a yoga instructor or a yoga teacher extends over four years with at least 720 lessons of 45 minutes each according to the guidelines of the European Yoga Union (EYU) and the Berufsverband der Yogalehrenden in Germany (BDY).
The yoga training is not limited to learning the Hatha yoga asanas. Information about the medical fundamentals of yoga is just as much a part of it as a study of the literary sources as well as ethics and philosophy. Teaching units for meditation supplement the teaching-practical part, in which the yoga teachers who are approaching learn how to organize the seminars or build the lessons. Vocationally oriented information on the business start-up round off the training program.
The Berlin Institute for Viniyoga and the Berlin Yoga Center founded by them (www.byz.de) also teaches yoga, in the tradition of T.K.V. Desikachar. The institute is also dedicated to the scientific exploration of yoga and its effects. Research results can be found in the journal Viveka - Notebooks for Yoga ', edited by the institute founders Imogen Dalmann and Martin Soder.