Many people are affected by so-called travel sickness and develop various unpleasant symptoms such as nausea, dizziness, sweating, blood pressure fluctuations, and vomiting when traveling by train, ship or car. The travel sickness is actually not a proper illness, but has its name only in the mouth of the people, as the affected person often feel very miserable and sick because of the intensity of the symptoms.
Travel medicine is also referred to as kinetosis in technical terms and describes the phenomenon of a brain disorder that triggers the described symptoms. The movements in the train, on the ship or even in the car stimulate the equilibrium organ in the inner ear, while at the same time the eyes take on additional impressions with regard to the movements of the respective means of movement. If there are differences in perception in the inner ear and the images taken by the eye, the brain has problems with the affected persons to harmonize the different impressions. These clearing problems ultimately provide for the known symptoms, which are usually very unpleasant and stressful, but nevertheless harmless.
How is travel sick?
In general, travel sickness is a phenomenon that almost always solves itself by habituation to the movement situation in the respective means of transport. Due to its great adaptability, the brain is generally able to compensate for the different impressions of the eye and inner ear in a relatively short time, and the symptoms are accordingly reduced. This is the case, for example, in the generally known sea disease, which is also counted as a kinetosis. As a rule, the symptoms disappear after a long time on the moving ship, when the brain has got used to the contradictory impressions of the eye and perception of movement through the inner ear.
What can you do against travel sickness?
In general, the symptoms of travel sickness can be alleviated by fixing objects or general impressions which are immobile with the eyes. In most cases, sea-sickness helps to fix the unmoved horizon. It is also advisable to go to the fresh air when possible when traveling. Against the various forms of travel sickness drugs are offered, which are to alleviate the acute symptoms. These must be taken before the first signs occur. A tried and tested home remedy, which is to help against travel sickness, is the consumption of ginger. However, it is not known how this alleviates the symptoms.
In general, the psychological component can not be underestimated when all kinetics occur. If, due to the pre-existing seizures of travel sickness, a negative expectation regarding the particular travel situation develops, the reoccurrence of the symptoms is much more probable than in persons who are relaxed and calm in the movement situation, for example in the car or on a ship. For example, it is important for people who are acutely affected to be soothed by accompanying persons, to get fresh air and to drink enough liquid. Above all, the loss of fluid, which occurs after a prolonged period of vomiting due to travel sickness, can become dangerous and lead to a life-threatening circulation breakdown.
Make arrangements!
People who are already aware of the fact that they are sensitive to the occurrence of travel sickness before taking a trip should take appropriate precautions. Thus the precautionary intake of rice medication can be just as helpful as the sufficient carrying of liquid. It is best to use water, in no case should alcohol be taken, as this can intensify the symptoms. In addition, it can be useful to carry relaxing music, since this can help to reduce the negative expectation of the occurrence of travel sickness. Reading a book or a magazine, on the other hand, is not advisable in most cases because the concentration of the eyes on the letters in front of the moving background outside the book pages can also intensify the symptoms.